
Dice by Wyrmwood

Created by Wyrmwood

Your Choice of Four Materials: RESIN, GEMSTONE, GLASS, WOOD In ANY material, you can pledge for a single d20, a full set of 7 polyhedrals, or an extra 3d6! And ALL dice are available with standard, traditional numbering or our new, innovative HIGH VARIANCE numbering system, designed to push your rolls - and games - to extremes! See the numbering charts in any product listing below for details. Dice Vaults and Tabletop Vaults are also available to complete your set - pre-order now! Note: Pre-orders to begin fulfillment in February 2021. Pre-orders containing WOOD Dice to begin fulfillment in May/June 2021.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

The Road to Fulfillment: IMPORTANT Details Inside!
over 4 years ago – Fri, May 15, 2020 at 11:03:03 PM

Hey everyone!

The campaign is over, but the project is just getting started! Now that the funding period has closed, we have a few very important details to go over with all of you.

First, what happens now? Let's get into it.

Campaign Timeline

  • Kickstarter Campaign: Tuesday, April 14th - Thursday, May 14th - COMPLETE! 
  • Kickstarter collects your pledge: Thursday, May 14th - IN PROGRESS 
  • Pledge Manager opens, surveys sent out: Thursday, May 28th 
  • Pledge Manager locks down, payment methods charged: Thursday, June 18th 
  • Fulfillment Begins: November, 2020! 

Payment & Errored Pledges

Well, the first step in fulfillment happened yesterday - the campaign closed, and Kickstarter attempted to charge you for your pledge. However, for a relatively small number of backers, there were errors with this attempt for some reason. You should have a message from Kickstarter informing you that they have collected your pledge. If there was an issue, Kickstarter will have sent you a message to notify you. In addition, we have directly messaged all affected backers.

In short, just keep an eye on your email inbox and you'll be all set! :)


With the campaign complete, we're preparing the BackerKit interface and survey questions, which will begin emailing out to all of you on Thursday, May 28th. The survey will be sent in two waves - 10% of the surveys will be sent, followed by the rest once we quickly review the first responses to make sure there aren't any problems that need to be corrected. All surveys should be issued by Friday, May 29th.

The email you receive will have a link to your survey. This survey is the only way we can collect the information we need to fulfill your pledge, so your response is absolutely necessary!

Filling out the survey won't take long, and consists of a few simple parts:

  • Confirm pledge level and location
  • Answer survey questions
  • Select Items
  • Enter shipping information
  • Confirmation

We'll detail this process, start to finish, in a video that we'll release closer to the survey date. This video will give you a step-by-step overview of the entire process.

Cat GIF #1

There's a LOT of information in this update. And information is important! But it's also boring sometimes. So we wanted to break it up. Here's a GIF of a cat that strongly prefers rolling in dice trays, and wishes to remind you of that:

Dice Vault & Tabletop Vault - Suede Liner Upgrade

We're including a very popular option in the pledge manager that we didn't mention in the campaign: you'll be able to add a suede liner to your Dice Vault or Tabletop Vault, if you're adding on any of these items.

The upgrade trades the standard foam liner for a foam-backed black suede liner, and adds an even more luxurious touch to your Vault. The price for this upgrade is usually $25, but will be offered at our special Kickstarter rate of $10 per Dice Vault or Tabletop Vault.

Pictured in Black Walnut Dice Vault & Tabletop Vault with Ruby in Zoisite Dice

Pre-Orders Available

Some of you may have noticed this already, but at the conclusion of the campaign, we opened up pre-orders for those that weren't able to back the project in time. So if you have friends that missed out and are kicking themselves today, now's your chance to be their hero and pass on that link!

Pre-orders are handled through BackerKit, but if you are a backer, you should not place a pre-order. As a backer, you should access BackerKit through the invitation you'll receive via email in two weeks.

A couple of important notes:

  • Pre-orders have access to all items in the campaign, at the same prices
  • Pre-orders will ship AFTER Kickstarter pledges have been fulfilled
  • Pre-orders will NOT be eligible for the free high variance d20s unlocked in the campaign

Stretch Goal d20s

We wanted to clarify and review the information concerning the bonus High Variance d20 dice unlocked in the campaign to make sure everyone fully understands which bonuses they'll receive, and how that's determined.

Stretch Goal Set #1: Three Commemorative Resin High Variance d20s

  • Will be included with any pledge for items that have a total value of $10 or more 
  •  All items in your BackerKit order count towards the total, not just your Kickstarter pledge
  • Shipping fees do not count towards the total

Stretch Goal Set #2: Three Commemorative Metal High Variance d20s

  • Will be included with any pledge for items that have a total value of $100 or more 
  •  All items in your BackerKit order count towards the total, not just your Kickstarter pledge
  • Shipping fees do not count towards the total
  • Backers will receive this set in addition to Stretch Goal Set #1

Cat GIF #2

Still hanging in there? Yeah, you are! You deserve another feline friend. This cat wishes to remind you that the d20 is no longer yours, and you should move away from it, please. Now.

Wyrm Lyfe

Today marks a new episode of our continuing vlog series just a little bit later, at 4pm Eastern. We're including Wednesday's episode in this update, which features a look at, as well as reviews of, some of our competitors' work, as well as a more in-depth look at some wooden dice that were a late addition to the Dice by Wyrmwood Kickstarter campaign. New episodes are uploaded every Wednesday and Friday, so be sure to subscribe if you don't want to miss out!

Click here to Watch!

Dice Spotlight

The campaign is over, but since you won't be making your final selections for a couple weeks, we're continuing to feature a closer look at some of the dice available in this campaign. After this edition, only a few remain, so we'll feature the last unexamined options in the next update!


Padauk is an exotic wood that is a bright orange or almost crimson wood when freshly cut, but oxidizes to a darker, rich purple-brown over time. It is a good wood in all respects – stable, and easy to work with. It often grows in small groups and is reported to be common in dense equatorial rain forests.


"All art is but imitation of nature." - Seneca the Younger

Jasper, meaning "spotted" or "speckled stone," comes in many varieties and colors. Picture Jasper is a variety of jasper that features extraordinary inclusions and patterns. These patterns often appear like landscapes or other scenes to the human eye. An RPG is a great way to experience a new world - now you can experience one within your dice!


Beadle & Grimm's is a company specializing in high-end play aids for Dungeons & Dragons, helmed by a group of lifetime friends. The Red Jasper set they created comes straight from their background, integrating the feel of Grimm, the eternal optimist, and Beadle... the opposite of that. Every high number is replaced with a "G" while "B" for Beadle adorns the low - just like they'd expect!


Walnut comes in many varieties, but American black walnut is the most ubiquitous. An exceedingly popular fine furniture wood, it is light, beautiful, and works easily. Wide, flat-sawn boards can have brilliant figure and cathedrals, making excellent dining room table tops – perfect for gaming! A perennial favorite, and a truly refined classic.


There are few more intertwined with the D&D community than Satine Phoenix, dungeon master extraordinaire. We felt she more than deserved her own custom set, and she came through with a romantic, vibrant and eye-catching design - perfectly matching her aesthetic - and who would expect anything less? Crafted from synthetic cat's eye, the d6 features her shorthand signature with a gold infill, reminiscent of her Gilding Light logo - Satine's collaborative art studio that focuses on storytelling.

Cat GIF #3

You made it all the way to the end of the update! You know what you deserve? ANOTHER CAT! This one isn't playing in a campaign right now, but just wanted to show you how to get the hang of this "rolling" thing. Go practice!

Thanks for your support, and we'll be in touch soon with more details on BackerKit and fulfillment!

~ Wyrmwood


Natural 20, Critical Hit.
over 4 years ago – Fri, May 15, 2020 at 11:00:20 PM

Well, the campaign is over - and what a campaign it was.

We're no strangers to Kickstarter, as many of you know - but this was something else. Dice by Wyrmwood has easily been our biggest campaign to date, both in terms of total funds and number of backers. It absolutely blew the doors off of all our previous campaigns - it's not even close.

This was campaign number 13 for us. Back when we were in the planning stages, filming the video, we wondered: was that lucky... or not?

That seems pretty clear now.

But it isn't luck--not really. It's you. All 11,032 of you that backed the campaign, whether it was day 1 or day 30, whether you pledged for a single d20 or a BT20. Every pledge, every share, every post - that's what made this campaign the success it was.

While hitting that launch button always feels a bit like rolling dice, ultimately it's more like... passing the die to you. Or is it? Somehow, that doesn't seem right, either. Maybe it's more like... okay, we've all joked about dice having personalities and a mind of their own, haven't we?

"Aw, the dice hate me tonight!"

"That's it, this d20 needs a time out. You can come out of jail when you learn to roll better!"

"These dice love me! They won't let me down."

"Oh man, I really hope the dice are on my side for this one..."

We've all said something like that at some time or another, right? Well, if this campaign was a roll of the dice, what that really means is that you, dear backers, were the dice. You were the roll.

And you are our natural 20.

We'll be in touch in the coming days with all the details about fulfillment and what's next, of course. But, for now - 11,032 times - thank you.

~ Wyrmwood

FINAL 48 HOURS! Post-Campaign Notes and What To Expect
over 4 years ago – Wed, May 13, 2020 at 11:18:31 PM

Hey there, backers!

We made it to the home stretch - the final 48 hours are upon us! These last days are crucial and we're excited to see where things finally stand once the dust settles and the finish line is crossed. Thank you all for getting us here! This has been by far our most successful campaign to date, and we're grateful and thrilled that you all made it happen.

We wanted to take a moment to again discuss what will happen post-campaign, since we're nearly there. In addition, a number of people will be returning to the campaign page that opted in to receive the all-important 48-hour reminder, so we want to highlight this information for those just arriving here.

Campaign Close & BackerKit

We're currently at work building out our pledge manager system, BackerKit. This is how we will be collecting information and keeping track of all of your orders and data to help us fulfill the campaign as efficiently as possible. It's a win/win - we get a system for tracking all of the finances, shipping and survey details and order info, and you get a streamlined, user-friendly process to confirm all of your pledge details.

The post-campaign process begins in 48 hours, when the campaign is officially over. At that time, Kickstarter will collect the pledged funds from you, and begin the process of gathering them and transmitting them to us. After that process is totally done, we will open up BackerKit and send all of your surveys out. Finally, after several weeks, we'll be locking down the surveys and orders so we can begin sourcing everything and preparing for fulfillment. At this time, if you have added to your pledge via BackerKit, you'll be charged any balance that remains outstanding.

Post-Campaign Timeline

  • Kickstarter collects your pledge: Thursday, May 14th 
  • Pledge Manager opens, surveys sent out: Thursday, May 28th 
  • Pledge Manager locks down, payment methods charged: Thursday, June 18th 
  • Fulfillment Begins: November, 2020! 

In terms of what to expect and how to navigate BackerKit, we'll be covering the process in a video that we'll send out shortly before the survey goes live. It's not a very complex or difficult process, but we want to make sure everyone knows what they need to do heading in, so we feel a quick video is the best approach to take here. But we can't do that until everything is final and set up, which will take a bit of time. So, kindly bear with us in the meantime. :)

Standard vs. High Variance Number Arrays - Final

Here's a graphic of the final layout on all the dice in the campaign. They have changed a bit over the course of the project due to analysis and backer feedback, so we wanted to share this final update.

Dice Spotlight

We wanted to feature a closer look at some of the dice available in this campaign. With 39 distinct materials, it's easy to overlook what makes each one special. So here's the next batch - let us know which you'd like us to cover next time!


Designed by our very own Savage and Quinn, this set of dice is mysterious, yet sinister. Made from a synthetic purple cat's eye with arcane etchings surrounding the numbers, these dice have a timeless glimmer that is alluring, yet menacing... the kind of object that beckons a person in with an almost primal pull, against their own better judgment. And then, once it's too late for them to escape... the horrifying truth is revealed! Okay, thankfully, this set of dice isn't REALLY an artifact of the great old ones (at least, we hope it isn't - we have more than enough madness around here, thank you very much). The corresponding Tabletop Vault is crafted from fan-favorite Katalox, a deep, extremely dense wood, with a mixed aluminum inlay that actually glows in the dark for that perfect finishing touch!


The dark lines in Spalted Tamarind can be seen as “property lines” between competing types of fungi. In pieces of spalted wood, the fungus is allowed to infect the wood to just the right point, then it's stopped before the wood becomes unusable. Retrieved at just the right time, each piece of Spalted Tamarind will have a unique appearance, making it a very popular exotic selection.


"Ya know what time it is, buddy?" - Finn, "Adventure Time"

A translucent form of quartz, aventurine is defined by its shimmering, glistening quality, which is known as aventurescence. The name is from the Italian "a ventura" which means, "by chance" and refers to stories of its discovery by luck. So you have a dreamy, green stone, with a name that calls to mind "adventure" and which was discovered by luck - what better source for dice could there be than that?


"Gather ye rosebuds while ye may." - Robert Herrick

Among the most desirable varieties of quartz, Rose Quartz has a gentle pink hue, unique among gemstones. This coloring, which can range from nearly transparent to opaque, is a result of the presence of titanium, manganese and iron within it. Rose Quartz is mined from geodes or crystalline clusters around the globe. It's suitable for those seeking a lighthearted, romantic choice, but can also serve well those that are drawn towards mysterious, playful or mischievous beings like the fey.


Also known as Chechen, Black Poisonwood is a vibrant deep colored wood.  Coming from the same family of plants as Poison Ivy (the family Anacardiaceae) the bark of the tree produces urushiol which is the same chemical skin irritant that Poison Ivy produces.  Hence the name: Poisonwood.  Don’t worry, the heartwood of the tree doesn’t contain any of the compound and is completely non-toxic.

Tell us which materials you want to see next time: Click here to vote!

Rolling On

With less than two days left in the campaign, please keep sharing the page with anyone that you know that may be interested in the project. It's been an amazing journey the past month, and with your help we know we can finish strong and make the launch of this line of dice everything it can be! Everything in the campaign is still available: resin, gemstone, glass, wood, in your choice of d20, set of 7, 3d6, or all of the above. There's something for every table, and we can't wait to get them there!

~ Wyrmwood

Less Than 5 DAYS Left! Packaging, Ordering Options, and NEW DICE!
over 4 years ago – Mon, May 11, 2020 at 11:26:14 PM

Hey everyone! We're nearing the home stretch, but the campaign isn't over yet! We have some important announcements, so let's get to it.

Wyrm Lyfe

We're going to lead with the Wyrm Lyfe episode this time, because a great deal of what follows is actually covered within the episode. Check it out here, and, as always, remember to subscribe to be notified when new episodes premiere every Wednesday and 𝚂̶𝚞̶𝚗̶𝚍̶𝚊̶𝚢̶ Friday (schedule change!).

Packaging & Accessories

We've been working to finalize plans for how to package your dice. Level Up Dice, our primary partner, gave us some options, and we're going to be moving forward with a leatherette pouch, embossed with the Wyrmwood logo. All gemstone and glass sets of dice will come packaged in these pouches. Level Up includes a decorative pendant with their sets, which will NOT be included with our sets. We felt that, between the pouch upgrade and pendant, most backers would prefer the nicer packaging and presentation, so we will be going that route. A mockup (not final) is below:

Mockup Only: Not Final!

Dice Ordering Options

Many of you have asked about alternative dice configurations, besides the d20, 3d6, and standard set of 7 which we're offering. We've been looking into these throughout the campaign, and unfortunately, it just isn't something we're going to be able to make happen this time.

Early inquiries were positive, but ultimately we had serious concerns about adding more options and more complexity to an already very large, very complex campaign.

We made the difficult decision to focus on getting our promised options and offerings out to our backers, on time, rather than add options for those asking for these options, and risk jeopardize the delivery timeline and overall experience of everyone.

We debated and discussed the issue considerably over the past several weeks; the final conversation on this is included in the Wyrm Lyfe episode above, if you'd like to see and hear more of the reasoning behind this difficult decision. We appreciate your support, and we definitely will work to include more options from the ground up in the future, but for this first time out, we want to focus on knocking the launch out of the park for each and every one of you based on what we've been offering from the beginning.

Thank you for your understanding and support!

Wooden Dice, Round 2

Padauk, Black Poisonwood, Spalted Tamarind

One change we were able to make much more easily, however, is the inclusion of a few more species of wood to offer, to expand to match the woods we offer in our core lineup. This was something we wanted to do, and finally were able to confirm with our manufacturer as possible. However, they surprised us by coming through on Spalted Tamarind, which we did NOT expect. Prices and photos for all of these are on the page now - check them out there, or see them first in the Wyrm Lyfe above (where we saw them for the first time).

New Wyrmwood Set: Eldritch Pact (Savage & Quinn)

Last but not least, we have a new set on offer, designed by our very own John Savage and Quinn!

The set is crafted from purple cat's eye, for a menacing, smoky look, with some elegant eldritch etching (see what we did there?) around the numbering. Their custom Katalox Tabletop Vault features a glow-in-the-dark aluminum inlay of the shield being invaded by tentacles from the deep.

More on the details of this set from the designers themselves in the Wyrm Lyfe above. As with the wooden dice, you can find these on the campaign page right now, and they're available to add to your pledge!

Dice Spotlight

We wanted to feature a closer look at some of the dice available in this campaign. With 39 distinct materials, it's easy to overlook what makes each one special. So here's the first batch - let us know which you'd like us to cover next time!


"There will be killing till the score is paid." - Homer, the Odyssey

Bloodstone is a sinister mixture of opaque green jasper, with characteristic red flecks that are actually inclusions of hematite. The stone, perhaps unsurprisingly, has a rich history of legend and superstition attached to it, dating all the way back to late antiquity. While it likely won't stop bleeding, make you invisible, or protect you from venom, it will look really cool rolling for an attack or sneak attack damage...


Deep black stripes play over the deep brown background in this striking Ebony. While Macassar Ebony isn’t nearly as dark or uniform as Gabon Ebony, it more than makes up for it with its deep and intriguing grain. Hailing from South East Asia, Macassar Ebony is a difficult wood to work, prone to cracking and exhibiting a great deal of wood movement, but the challenge is well worth it when you see the final piece.


"I saw tiger, now I understand; I saw tiger, and the tiger saw man." - Joe Exotic

Tiger's Eye is formed from quartz, known for it's remarkable golden to red-brown hues, as well as it's chatoyancy; the famed "cat's eye" effect that makes it appear to shift and shimmer depending on the angle from which one views it. Combined with the unique, silky luster of the stone, it all adds up to a classic gemstone that will be a wild addition to your sanctuary of dice...


"For my part I know nothing with any certainty, but the sight of the stars makes me dream." - Vincent van Gogh

Also known as "aventurine glass," this material is composed of metallic crystals, formed in glass, and dates as far back as the 12th-13th century. A deep, dark blue, with countless sparkles throughout, the stone is reminiscent of nothing less than looking into a night sky full of stars.


"On Wednesdays, we wear pink." - Mean Girls

Unlike many gemstones, Tourmaline is available in a wide variety of colors. It's known for being among the most chemically complex of silicate crystals. A vibrant, pink coloring defines this stone, lending it a light, fun, airy quality. Not for the faint - or heavy - of heart, but the fae will find much to love here.


"There is a price for gold but no price for jade" - Chinese Proverb

Known as the "imperial gem" of China, Jade has a significance not unlike gold or diamonds in Chinese history. Jade comes in many shades and forms, with this creamy white variant being one of the more unusual varieties. Jade represents a simple, understated stone with a timeless, dignified appeal.


“It is curious and we magicians collect curiosities, you know.” - Susanna Clarke, Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell

Opalite, also referred to as the Tiffany Stone, Sea Opal or the Stone of Eternity, is a translucent, opalescent glass. It appears frosty blue, but shows a wide variety of colors, depending on the light passing through it and the angle one from which one views it. A mysterious, fascinating stone, the kind that would not be out of place in the collection of a well-traveled wizard.

Tell us which materials you want to see next time: Click here to vote!

Only Five Days To Go!

That's about everything we've got. In these final days, please keep sharing the project, as these final new items have been added, and might be just what someone was looking for. With only a few days left, it's crucial to get the project in front of everyone that may be interested.

Thanks for making this our biggest campaign to date - we can't wait to see where it ends as we cross the finish line, and we REALLY can't wait to get all these awesome dice out into the world, and into your hands.

~ Wyrmwood

By Request: D20 Weight Comparison, Dice Spotlight #2
over 4 years ago – Mon, May 11, 2020 at 10:07:59 AM

Hello everyone!

We're closing in and that finish line is drawing ever closer. You've made this campaign an incredible success, and we can't wait to see how far it goes. It's been a wild ride. We're thrilled to have so many of you along with us excited about bringing these new dice into the world.

Artist's rendering of the first High Variance die being created

We're looking to have some more frequent updates as we near the closing week of the campaign, since there's still a lot of ground to cover! In the meantime, keep the shares and pledges coming, along with any questions you have. We're always happy to help!

And now, let's get to it...

Weights & Measures Dept.

Many people have reached out asking for the difference in weight between materials. We did take a rough measurement of all the materials, using a d20 from each set. The results?

Wood came in the lightest, at just a tenth of an ounce for a single d20. Macassar Ebony came in at about twice that, though, at 0.2 oz.

Resin dice weighed in at 0.2 oz, as well.

Gemstone tipped the scales a bit, with the vast majority coming in at 0.4 oz. Blue Turquoise and Watermelon Tourmaline came in slightly lighter, at 0.3, while Hematite... well, we'll get to that in a minute. Glass dice were equivalent to most gemstone, at 0.4 oz.

The aluminum Bobby Bennett d20 came in just a nudge heavier than gemstone - half an ounce.

Finally, Hematite. Unsurprisingly, this was heavier than everything else, but the surprise was just how much. The Hematite d20 came to 0.8 oz, so at least double any other gemstone on the list! So if you're looking for heft, look no further. Unless, of course...

So, to sum it all up:


  •  Lightest - Wood 
  •  Light - Macassar Ebony/Resin 
  •  Medium - Gemstone/Glass 
  •  Heavy - Aluminum 
  •  Heaviest - Hematite 
  •  Don't Ask -  T20 

Dice Spotlight

We wanted to feature a closer look at some of the dice available in this campaign. With 39 distinct materials, it's easy to overlook what makes each one special. So here's the first batch - let us know which you'd like us to cover next time!


"Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there, wondering, fearing, doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before." - Edgar Allen Poe

Formed by cooling lava, obsidian is a naturally occurring volcanic glass. These dice feature raised text, rather than engraved, making them more readable and even more unique. In addition, they have a matte coating that will dissipate over time, meaning they'll change with you giving them a more glossy appearance. These dice, with their bold black-on-black look, are without question the darkest in our lineup. Whether you commune with the darkness, or merely use it for cover, if you're one with shadows, this set is for you.


"The slippers -- yes..... the slippers!" - The Wicked Witch of the West

Also known as Anyolite, Ruby in Zoisite is a fascinating specimen. The name is a literal one, as the stone consists of ruby inclusions suspended within green zoisite. Always striking, Ruby in Zoisite is a good fit for you if you're seeking to bring a bit of colorful mystique to the table - or if you appreciate a diamond in the rough. And, of course, if you're the type of adventurer that knows, deep down, that there really is no place like home.


"See, the darkness is leaking from the cracks. I cannot contain it. I cannot contain my life." - Sylvia Plath

Discovered in Canada in 1868, Howlite is known for the distinctive veins of black running through it in a weblike pattern. Sometimes referred to as "white turquoise" or "white buffalo stone," the crystal is often linked to turquoise, as the two share the black web pattern. But the white and black, high-contrast look of Howlite has an allure all its own.


Order of Dice Pictured: Ember, Undertow, Nimbus, Verdant, Marble, Merlot, Koi

The most traditional dice in the campaign are our selection of resin dice. Resin is one of the most popular materials for crafting dice, alongside acrylic, and for good reason; it's durable, inexpensive, and can be used for an astonishing variety of colors and blends. Our dice all blend up to three colors to create evocative, striking sets. They began as tied to the elements, but this grew to encompass some other sources, as well. No matter which you're drawn to, they're a great choice for those on a budget, or just looking for a lot of variety.

Ember is a blend of red and orange for the fire mage, or for those with a smoldering temper. 

Undertow, with it's menacing greens and blues, is all about the oppressive, deep waters - and what lurks, slumbering, within. 

Nimbus, on the other hand, is a light, airy look that combines azure skies and white cloud tones to evoke the open sky and the freedom that represents. 

Verdant brings us back to earth, with lush browns and greens, to symbolize the rich bounty of the earth - the druid or ranger may feel at home with this set. 

Marble, too, is aligned with the earth, but trades flora for a mix of black, white and gray to call to mind hard, unforgiving stone - a good fit for those of unfailing strength, or unwavering convictions. 

Merlot, a royal blend of burgundy and purple hues, is meant to evoke wine, revered as a symbol of revelry and prosperity since ancient times - perfect for those that prefer the finer things in life. 

And that brings us to Koi: named for the colored variety of carp which are a symbol of luck, prosperity and good fortune in Japan - what could be better as inspiration for a set of dice? This blend features a mix of pinkish-red, white and gold, with black numbering to mimic the most well-known color pattern of the prized fish.


Extremely popular and sought after, rosewood is the quintessential wood for inlay, turnings, carvings, and many musical instruments. Very hard, fine-grained, and crisp, there are many varieties of rosewood, some sold under other names. All of them take a beautiful polish and are considered fine tonal woods. Unquestionably one of the finest woods we offer, rosewood speaks of refinement and grace.


Crafted from synthetic blue cat's eye, these dice are unmistakably a product of their Di-signer! Ginny Di opted for her signature turquoise, with a Dice Vault to match that includes her signature, well, eyebrows. Yep. A Wenge Dice Vault with inlaid turquoise eyebrows. And the dice feature "di" on all of the high rolls, just in case you forgot who brought this set to you. But then, you wouldn't DARE forget that, would you?

Tell us which materials you want to see next time: Click here to vote!

 Wyrm Lyfe

This week, we look into life beyond coronavirus as we shut down the Homebrew Collection, and dig into some details with high variance (as well as court controversy thanks to Jason)... check it out now:

Regarding Jason's method - yes, we know! More to come in Wednesday's episode. ;)

That wraps up this update. Until next time...

~ Wyrmwood